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Josef Koudelka

Josef Koudelka was born in Czechoslovakia on January 10th, 1938. 


The majority of his photos are of people. His most famous works include those depicting Roman gypsies. He lived with the gypsies for extended amounts of time because of his increasing interest in them. He is also known for taking photos of the Soviet invasion of Prague in Czechoslovakia. He smuggled the photos out of the country and published them under the name of P.P. (Prague Photographer) so that he would not get into trouble with the law.

He traveled across Europe with his camera, from Germany to France to England. Later in life, Koudelka has used a panoramic camera to take photographs of landscapes.


His work was published in about twelve different photography books, was featured in museums like the New York Museum of Modern Art, and won various awards, such as the Grand Prix Cartier Bresson award.


Koudelka is still alive today.

A few of his photos:
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